Wednesday, June 9, 2010




About living Things
Lesson on living and non living things
Difference between living and non living things

The teacher must know how to explain to students the difference between living and nonliving things.

Preparation: The teacher must gather a variety of items, both living and nonliving, in order for the students to classify the materials and understand the concept.

Materials: Assorted living and nonliving things, such as:

House plants

Small pets (fish, bird, kitten, puppy, hamster, turtle, etc.)

Insects (spiders, worms, caterpillars, ants, beetles, etc.)


Sea shells

Any other living or nonliving items

Magazines with pictures of living and nonliving things



Procedures: 1. Introduce to the students the different items you have for them to observe.

2. Explain to the students what living and nonliving things are.

3. Ask the students to observe at least two or three of the items that are alive and have them compare the living things by
asking questions like:

How are the animals different? (skin coverings, sizes, shapes, sounds, movement, etc.
How are the animals alike?
How are animals different from plants?
What makes plant and animals alike?
Are we living things?
Are we plants or animals?
What do we have in common with some animals?

4. Have the students classify the items you brought into the living and nonliving categories.

5. Instruct the students to find or make pictures of living or nonliving things. (Allow them to find pictures in magazines or color
pictures on paper.)

6. Sort the pictures into separate piles of living and nonliving things.

7. Further sort the living things into plants and animals.

8. Ask the students about what they learned in this activity.

Accommodations: For a student that is blind, allow them to feel and touch the objects. While they are feeling the items, ask them what they notice about the objects through their touch. Try to describe to the student what the objects look like to you. (Make sure the animals they are touching will not hurt them and that they are gentle with the animals and plants.)

Assessment: 1. Observe the students while they are looking at all of the living and nonliving things, making sure that they are involved in the learning.

2. Question all of the students about the items they are observing to make sure that they understand the lesson.

Extension: 1. Allow the students to each bring their own items to class and have the class classify all of the items into the living and nonliving categories.

2. Show the students pictures of different things. Quiz the students about whether or not the item in the picture is living. Allow each of the students to take a turn in answering.


Sorting Living things to Non living things (Please click here)

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